Discover GlassPortal

GlassPortal's dashboard provides the statistics you need to manage your vulnerabilities better

The next generation of vulnerability management.

Save time, money, and your company’s reputation by staying on top of your vulnerabilities.

GlassPortal is a first of its kind vulnerability and risk management tool.

All other existing solutions calculate risk using only the CVSS score; GlassPortal utilizes all the work and mitigations that your security team has already done.

Instead of seeing mostly irrelevant findings, GlassPortal helps you focus in on the real issues that cause risk to your company.

If you find yourself or your team overwhelmed with vulnerability management, GlassPortal is the solution.

Maximize Your Time. Minimize Your Risk.

  • Focused Efforts

    Your developers only have so much time dedicated to patching and upgrading vulnerable components. GlassPortal prioritizes your sprint efforts to focus on the most damaging vulnerabilities.

  • Context Driven

    Really understand how your vulnerabilities interact by using GlassPortal. We show you what an attacker is most likely to attack, not just the most severe findings. Predict and prevent with GlassPortal.

  • Powerful Customization

    Re-prioritze and re-value your vulnerabilities on what matters most to your company. GlassPortal gives you that power to customize risk ratings, in a simple interface across a multitude of criteria.

  • Easy

    GlassPortal doesn't require teams to have an architect, or to learn a new language. Its intuitive interface gives your team what they need without the overhead of training or setup. Get what you need and focus on what matters.

Make your data match your environment.

Why should the statistics of your company be the same as every other, when it’s unique to you?

CVSS scores are useful but lack any context; a 10/10 finding in a manufacturing plant is different than that in a point of sale machine. GlassPortal provides the ability to determine what is worse using your data through a contextual and relational model of your environment’s vulnerabilities.

All vulnerability management tools rate your vulnerabilities exactly the same way they do for all companies. GlassPortal allows you to re-prioritize and re-categorize vulnerabilities according to what is most risky to your specific environment.

GlassPortal seamlessly integrates into your existing tech-stack. There’s no need to remove any of your existing tools, it fits right into your vulnerability management program painlessly.

All of your scanners, testers, and configuration management tools feed into GlassPortal and, after doing its magic, it can send the transformed data to any solution you use to manage findings.

There’s no need to learn a new query language or setup complex infrastructure. Our secure, customer-isolated SaaS solution saves your team the time of managing a complex solution, while providing the security you require.